Our news is bombarded weekly, almost daily, with terrible atrocities against children. PROJECT ONE: FIVE was born after God convicted me that I was a "somebody" who should step up and do something about child sexual abuse. I live in a very rural area
of Louisiana, but I pray that God will bless this ministry to move forward so that every community in every state is working to
protect its children.
While looking for solutions to the problem of child sexual abuse, I was surprised and dismayed to find there really are not a lot of programs available, other than some checklist of things you should or should not do. My generation raised our children with
Stranger Danger awareness, but now we know that it is not strangers who are the biggest threat to our children. The program
that I teach, Darkness to Light's Stewards of Children®, emphasizes adult awareness of all the people in a child's life.
Every adult must be diligent with supervision guidelines in every situation.
A child should not be responsible to stop abuse or say "No" when it is really not in their power.
What are my qualifications to start this Non-Profit business?
First and foremost, God called me to do it.
My human qualifications include:
I have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Liberty University.
I earned my Practical Nursing License about 20+ years ago.
I have a Facilitator's certificate to teach the Stewards of Children® program.
These human qualifications have given me opportunities to speak on subjects that some people might find embarassing or difficult to address. I pray that God will use these acquired skills and bless the effort to help protect children.
Funding is needed to help PROJECT ONE: FIVE accomplish the follwong immediate goals:
Provide free training materials ($10 per adult) to ensure adults can take the Stewards of Children® course
Initiate contact and schedule training sessions (approximately 2 hours per each class)
Work with local authorities/cities/schools to understand the importance implementing prevention in their community
Work with local media to provide awareness of child sexual abuse prevention programs
Long Term Goals for PROJECT ONE: FIVE include:
Scholarships to train Stewards of Children® Facilitators ($450.00) in order to reach more communities and states
Work for mandatory Stewards of Children® training in all schools and daycares
Assist advocacy centers to provide training for forensic interviewers for child abuse victims
Work to provide safe houses for those who need to remove their children from abusive homes
Survivor services and counseling
May God bless you as you consider working with PROJECT ONE: FIVE to protect our children.
Nicole Strong